Saturday, February 28, 2009

AIM Profiles Converted to Bebo Profiles

A while back AOL bought Bebo. At the end of February AOL began switching AIM Profiles to the Bebo format. So, basically I had to recreate my profiles. Here is a shot of my new Bebo profile for the same screen name I use on Blogger, dotartdude.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Facebook Fan Page

A fraternity brother of mine suggested I create a Fan Page on Facebook. So, yesterday, that’s what I did. I figure it’s a good way to update fans of my work without bothering those of my friends who are not interested. Thus far I’ve created some albums of my artwork and I’ve uploaded some of my arty videos. I’ll have to play with the fan page tools to see what else is possible.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Ginger Rose Whines Her Way to 50,000 Views

This morning my video "Puppy Whining." reached 50,000 views on YouTube. Ginger Rose, the former poodle puppy, is the star of the video. It was a less than three months ago that it hit 30,000 views. The sequel video, Whining Pupppy 2, recently passed 10,000 views. Not long ago, I created a playlist for the dog lovers who visit my channel dotdude.